Is your dog getting enough nutrients?
Many dog owners create their dogs' nutrition plans themselves and are then not quite sure whether the dog is being provided with all the important nutrients. This is no wonder, because all the calculations that a BARF plan requires take a lot of time and knowledge. If you cook or barf your dog and have created its nutrition plan on your own, a ration review is just the thing for you. You can also book a ration review if your plan was created by another nutritionist, if you have changed something in the meantime or if you simply want a second opinion.
I calculate your dog's nutritional requirements and compare them with his food - if the nutrition plan does not meet his needs, I will give you tips on what you can do to improve it.
Important: a ration review does not include a new nutrition plan - you will only receive suggestions for improvement from me. If you would like to book a nutrition plan on my website afterwards, please contact me so that I can calculate the price for you.
After you have booked a ration check, I will contact you by e-mail to discuss everything else.
I look forward to meeting you and your dog. If you have any questions before buying, please contact me by mail:
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